Job Creation Network Ventures
What does it mean to be a Sponsor?
Sponsoring the JCN is awesome for many reasons. First of all, you know you are supporting something that is beneficial by creating jobs and strengthening the economy. Second, you will also be benefiting your business too through increased positive affiliation and advertising through our network of businesses and costumers.
There are two ways to become a sponsor. The first is simply to give money as a tax-deductible donation. The more you give, the higher your sponsorship level will be, and the more benefits your organization will get from being a sponsor.
The other way of being a sponsor is to donate products and/or services from your organization. This can be in the form of physical products, gift certificates, or coupons. You will get a tax-write off for the value of your donation, and we will in turn sell your donations to our customers and the money we make off your donation will be applied to your Sponsorship Level. The more that you donate, the more we will have to sell to our customers and the more reach and advertising you well get. Every time we sell an item you donated in our SHOP, your Sponsorship value will increase, and as your sponsorship Level increases, you will receive more benefits for your organization from being a sponsor.
Details on Sponsoring the JCN
Sponsorship Levels:
We have decided to make Dinosaurs our sponsorship levels, from smallest to the biggest dinosaurs. Everyone loves Dinosaurs!!!
The JCN will be producing a plethora of media and outreach materials for our 1,000s soon to be 10,000s of people within our network. Through sponsorship your company will be positively associated with creating jobs and supporting the economy through many media types including online social media. We will be printing 1000s of banners, flyers, posters, brochures, newsletters etc for tabling at a multitude of events. In addition we will be sending out press releases and advertising on traditional media sources that we can associate your organization or business with. In every regard, sponsorship with the JCN is a WIN-WIN!